Improving Patient Care Fortunately a system has been developed, to decrease the time spent in non-patient care activities. By streamlining administrative functions, the physician has more time for patient care and the ability to service more patients, while cutting the costs of transcription and transcription errors. Keeping the patient record digitally adds new speed and accuracy to the entire practice without the increased cost of more personnel and heavier transcription costs. Vox2data for clinical practice, PacificVoice for Medicine Second Generation, is a fully featured medical application software that is flexible enough to accommodate the flow of any medical environment. Vox2data is the latest release of software that has evolved through the input of doctors using product in the field for over ten years. Vox2data, PacificVoice for Medicine Second Generation, provides a secure, accurate transcription process that eliminates the need for outside transcription services. Vox2data's system allows the doctor to immediately create the patient record by simply speaking into a microphone or digital audio mouse. The record is then stored for easy retrieval and review. By eliminating the time involved in outside transcription services, Medicare and insurance forms can be filed immediately instead of the usual 12 -15 days. And having the record for review and revision, keeps accuracy high. This combination of less time and fewer mistakes can mean quicker reimbursement and increased cash flow. The ongoing patient record is always under the physician's complete control. 800 795-6256